Hello, and welcome to the Fiercely Awakening podcast. My name is Dr. Tonya Holcomb, and I’m on a mission to normalize naturopathy in big, bold ways. I want you to see the world through my eyes, where extraordinary health and massive upgrades in life are always available to you. You’ll be inspired and motivated to trust your body’s wisdom to heal, claim your next upgrade in health and life, release what no longer serves you, and pursue what you truly desire. If you seek truth, you are on the freedom path to your greatest potential. You are Fiercely Awakening. Welcome. Disclaimer: The content in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is intended to be provided for informational, educational and self-empowerment purposes ONLY. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Saturday Oct 26, 2024
Episode 118: You Will Feel Hope — Interview with Laurel Chavez
Saturday Oct 26, 2024
Saturday Oct 26, 2024
I first met Laurel six years ago when she found me through a Facebook post and scheduled our call.
Laurel had received a depressing prognosis and was in a debilitated state due to injuries she suffered in a car accident.
But she refused to accept that healing was impossible for her.
Her decision to get on a call with me and join Fiercely Empowered Mama changed everything.
And that first step she took made the impossible, possible.
The many wins Laurel has had in her health over the past six years are nothing short of profound.
She’s now a mom of two boys and has grown immense confidence in raising her little ones using only natural remedies.
She’s committed to nourishment.
She muscle tests mini-programs for herself and family members to support them through various symptoms/communications.
Join us in this episode as we talk about Laurel's story, the results of her first hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA), and what she wishes for any woman who’s struggling and wants more choice when it comes to taking control of the outcomes for herself and her family.
You're Invited to Mamahood: The Ultimate Natural Mama Crash Course
I am so excited to invite you to my free pop-up Facebook group, Mamahood: The Ultimate Natural Mama Crash Course.
Your timing to join us now is perfect!
This experience is guaranteed to provide you with instant empowerment to help you and your child thrive - no matter what phase of life you’re in.
This group is open to all mamas, and future mamas, who want to expand her knowledge, confidence, empowerment and natural tool kit.
You won't want to miss the live classes and instant replays that are available to you right now in the Facebook group. And they won't be available for very long, so don't wait!
Follow this link to join this life-changing experience.

Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
I received the most questions EVER after I shared my six-month fitness journey update in last week’s episode.
I love that you’re interested in my progress, learning alongside me and asking beautiful follow-up questions.
Today’s episode is a celebration of your curiosity — a deep dive into the answers to all of your questions about my fitness journey so far, including:
- Who’s my trainer?
- Why did I sign up to work with her?
- What do I use for body composition scans?
- What’s my body fat goal?
- What’s contributed the MOST to my hair being so thick and healthy?
- How long are my AFTER dinner walks to support my blood sugar? Is there anything else you can do to experience the same effect that I do?
- What vagus nerve stimulator did I get?
- Can I share more about the massive gut health calibration I’ve been experiencing?
- What’s my overnight oats recipe?
- Why is it important to support the vaginal terrain?
- What are my current macros?
- What’s my stretching practice?
- AND so much more!
As promised, here’s a list of all the links I mention in the show:
- My Personal Trainer
- Body Composition Scale
- Zen Basil Seeds
- Vagus Nerve Stimulator Device
- Vaginal Health Probiotic
- Tara’s Interview With Seed Founder on the Vaginal Probiotic
- Macros Tracker
- Andrew Kaufman MD, "Why You Should Exercise While Fasting"
- Stretching Tool & Course
- Hair Care:
- Fiercely Empowered Mama Waitlist
- My Instagram for the Back-to-School Series

Friday Aug 02, 2024
Episode 116: Fitness Journey Update — 6 Months!
Friday Aug 02, 2024
Friday Aug 02, 2024
In the six months since I started my fitness journey, the big wins and lessons I’ve experienced have been incredibly valuable.
I’m so excited to share them with you in today’s episode!
Join me as I talk about:
- A decision I made to support myself for the rest of the year.
- The physical changes I’ve seen and felt.
- My current metrics that speak to progress.
- A deep dive into my microbiome and how this was impacting my results.
- A tiny strategy for walking that’s making a HUGE difference.
- My unexpected healing crisis in June.
- A big download I received for how I’ll serve in 2025.
- And what’s next for me on this journey!
Learn the ways we can work together and grab some amazing free resources on my website, TonyaHolcomb.com.

Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
Episode 115: 8 Ways to Create an Abundance Mindset With Your Kids
Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
Join me in today’s episode as I talk about:
- The number one thing to do to help your kids tap into an abundance mindset (in other words, turn weaknesses into opportunities and transform negative experiences into positive ones).
- The real problem with saying “I’m fine” when you’re not.
- How playing “make believe” helps develop the ability to visualize, and why this matters later in life.
- The art of expanding good feelings even on “ordinary” days.
- Knowing when to hold space for your child’s disappointment and when to coach them through it.
- Why the meaning of the word “maybe” matters to how your kiddo perceives life outcomes.
- And so much more!
Learn the ways we can work together and grab some amazing free resources on my website, TonyaHolcomb.com.

Friday Jul 12, 2024
Episode 114: 8 Books to Radically Change Your Relationship With Money
Friday Jul 12, 2024
Friday Jul 12, 2024
Have you noticed that the more you worry, the more there seems to be to worry about?
Focusing on not having enough money is no different.
The more you stress, worry about and doubt money, the more you experience a life of stress, worry and doubt. And it simply makes life harder.
So, how do you change this?
Join me in today’s episode as I talk about:
- What your limiting beliefs and money memories are.
- How to know if you’re struggling with money shame.
- A documentary I’m watching that’s blowing my mind.
- Why I decided to do the “money work,” and why I haven’t stopped.
- 8 books I've LOVED over the years that will radically change your relationship with money (if you want them to).
- What to expect when you take action and heal your money stories.
- And so much more!
Learn the ways we can work together and grab some amazing free resources on my website, TonyaHolcomb.com.

Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Episode 113: 3 Easy Ways to Shift From Scarcity Thinking to Abundant Living
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Embracing an abundance mindset has, without a doubt, profoundly changed my life. It’s helped me see endless opportunities and transform negative experiences into positive ones.
Join me in today’s episode as I talk about:
- The difference between scarcity thinking and abundant living.
- The top signs that you’re stuck in a scarcity loop.
- The profound impact of gratitude work.
- What your RAS system is and how to leverage it to work for you!
- The number one way to receive more goodness in your life.
- A new way to look at spending money.
- Sneaky money beliefs that make life harder.
- And so much more!
Learn the ways we can work together and grab some amazing free resources on my website, TonyaHolcomb.com.

Friday May 03, 2024
Episode 112: Fitness Journey Update — Some Mighty Lessons
Friday May 03, 2024
Friday May 03, 2024
It’s been 16 weeks since I started my fitness journey, and I’m so excited to share some of my big wins and lessons with you.
In today’s episode, I talk about:
- The surprising truth of the transformation process.
- Physical changes I’ve seen and felt.
- A triggering experience I had to work through.
- A major ah-ha to create more momentum.
- What I’m using to track my daily steps, sleep, stress and more.
- My unexpected experience with histamine symptoms.
- Popular macro-friendly foods that contribute to excess histamines in your body, and why I’m eliminating them for a bit.
- What’s next for me on this journey!
What if you could radically shift your health and change your future?
This is the work we do in the Cleansing Circle. It's the place to cleanse the right way, reduce your toxic load, get on the path to deeper healing and honor your body.
When you take charge of your health, YOU get to decide what’s possible.
Follow this link to join me and an incredible community of women in the Cleansing Circle.
The price goes up from $97 to $197 next week!

Friday Apr 12, 2024
Episode 111: 10 Things You Won’t Regret Prioritizing for Your Health
Friday Apr 12, 2024
Friday Apr 12, 2024
Do you want to know which needle-movers are the most POWERFUL to focus on when it comes to your physical health as a woman?
In today’s episode, I share what I believe are the top 10. You’ll be forever grateful you made these a priority!
Listen in as I dive into:
- The issue with food funks.
- Being unsatisfied with food and feeling overwhelmed by what to eat.
- What it means to be truly satiated.
- Why I’m SO giddy about sleep optimization right now.
- What your sleep has to do with building muscle and enhancing beauty.
- The number one area to focus on when mysterious symptoms persist or healing feels impossible.
- And so much more!
Not only will you discover the top needle-movers to focus on, but most importantly, you’ll find out why being convicted in your choices and healing game plan is highly recommended!
Doing the work is one thing, but having 110% trust in your body, trust in the healing process, and belief in your transformation story are where the shifts truly take place and the rewards are endless.
One Drink That Checks All Your Boxes
FEMfusion is my tried-and-true go-to herbal infusion blend. Each carefully selected herb shines as an incredible source of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and more.
FEMfusion is intentionally formulated for hydration and mineralization, so you'll feel an instant boost when you drink it!
And it's available for everyone, even if you aren't in my programs or courses.
You can get your FEMfusion by following this link!
What if you could radically shift your health and change your future?
This is the work we do inside of the Cleansing Circle. It's the place to cleanse the right way, reduce your toxic load, get on the path to deeper healing and honor your body.
When you take charge of your health, YOU get to decide what is possible.
Follow this link to join me and an incredible community of women in the Cleansing Circle.

Saturday Mar 30, 2024
Episode 110: Don’t Fall for the Perimenopause Trap
Saturday Mar 30, 2024
Saturday Mar 30, 2024
Here’s what we’re told: When you turn a certain age (hello, 40s), the majority of women are going to experience the symptoms of perimenopause.
In other words, it’s normal and potentially inevitable that you’ll go through a roller coaster ride of hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, weight gain, changes in sex drive, vaginal dryness, thinning hair and dry skin, mood swings, heart palpitations, migraines, frequent headaches and poorer concentration. And you’ll ultimately be at a higher risk for other dis-eases and complications.
Surprise! I don’t agree with this at all.
Yes, the symptoms are real, but the thing that's causing them isn’t what you think it is.
In today’s episode, I share with you:
- The allopathic perspective on perimenopause.
- Symptoms of adrenal dysfunction.
- The overlap between perimenopausal symptoms and thyroid communication.
- The copper toxicity connection.
- And the emotional and mineral connection.
Ultimately, I invite you to opt out of the belief that there’s nothing you can do except “ride it out.”
All of the symptoms you experience from your body are communication and asks for help.
You do not have to live your life with fear of perimenopause symptoms or hopelessness about the healing process. The way back to feeling like yourself again is always going to be with balancing minerals and riding toxicity.
Your age is not the deciding factor for how you experience your health.
What if you could radically shift your health and change your future?
This is the work we do inside of the Cleansing Circle. It's the place to cleanse the right way, reduce your toxic load, get on the path to deeper healing and honor your body.
When you take charge of your health, YOU get to decide what is possible.
Follow this link to join me and an incredible community of women in the Cleansing Circle.

Friday Mar 22, 2024
Episode 109: Every Reason You Need to Say YES to Parasite Cleansing
Friday Mar 22, 2024
Friday Mar 22, 2024
You may already know that parasites exist all around us. Every single person has them.
What you may not know is how much they're affecting your body and your mind. There’s a high probability that parasites are tied to your current symptoms.
In today’s episode, my intention is to build a strong case for parasite cleansing!
I share with you:
- The big symptom I experienced recently that was 100% related to parasites.
- The numerous symptoms of parasites. (So many of these are likely to surprise you!)
- What the full moon has to do with parasites.
- Why we may feel more emotional during the full moon.
- How to know if the parasites are taking over inside your body.
- And, most importantly, how to get rid of them!
If you’ve never targeted parasites before, my goodness, are you missing out.
The way we target parasites now in the Cleansing Circle is so dang powerful and gratifying… you’ll get results you can see and feel.
If you’re ready to do this work (for real), join us by following this link. It will change not only your terrain, but the quality of your entire life.